Your Homework is in Another Castle
Okay, so playing Super Mario Bros. may not help you pass your class. But Aroutis Foster is using his research in Drexel’s GLIDE lab to bring gaming into the educational space. Wouldn’t learning have been more fun growing up if you had video games and AI in the classroom? View transcript

About Aroutis Foster
Aroutis Foster is an associate professor of learning technologies in the School of Education at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA. He leads the Games and Learning in Interactive Digital Environments (GLIDE) Lab and is the founder of the Drexel Learning Games Network. He teaches and conducts research on the theoretical and practical applications of designed environments, such as games and interactive digital environments, to advance our understanding of learners’ knowledge, identity and motivation in different settings, including schools, workplaces, informal and online environments. His broad research interests focus on the design of technology, computer-based learning environments, automated and personalized learning, technology integration, identity exploration, motivation, cognition and learning. His research aims to explore the learning process, including motivation, to learn, and learners’ identity change using immersive digital technologies, such as games. This includes model testing and development to integrate games and immersive technologies to support teachers and learners; the design of immersive and game environments to impact knowledge, identity change, and motivation to learn; and the investigation of the pedagogic, assessment, and motivational affordances of immersive digital environments for cognition, motivation, and behavior. Dr. Foster’s background is in educational psychology, educational technology, digital media, information technology education and communications. His professional agenda has emerged from both his research and life experiences growing up in the Caribbean (Jamaica), and studying and living in New York City; East Lansing, Michigan; and Philadelphia. He serves on several editorial review and advisory boards for journals and organizations related to technology and learning. He has published book chapters and journal articles about technology and learning. He has won awards for his work on technology and learning. He is a Phi Beta Kappa Member, a Mellon Mays Fellow, and the recipient of a Spencer Research Training Grant and an NSF CAREER award.